Welcome to the Sisters of Bon Secours USA website
On January 24, 1824, twelve young women gathered in the Church of Saint Sulpice in Paris, France in the presence of Archbishop de Quelen, the Archbishop of Paris, to commit themselves to serving people who were poor, sick, and dying in their homes. In 2025, 201 years later, we are still providing compassion, and a healing, liberating presence to those in need. On these pages, you can connect with the ministries of our sisters here in the United States as well as around the world. Sisters of Bon Secours arrived in the US in 1881 at the invitation of Cardinal Gibbons. Since that time, we have been called to a variety of cities around the country and to a variety of ministries all with a focus of being “Good Help to Those in Need.” Throughout the years our ministry has been faithfully connected with the healing ministry of Jesus and to the intent to help bring people to wholeness.
On our archives pages you’ll find more about our rich history. We also invite you to browse the pages highlighting our Ministries. If you’re interested in discerning a life as a Sister of Bon Secours, please visit our Vocation page. Join us as we “commit ourselves to defend and care for all of creation; and to cry out with others against injustice and all that diminishes life on Earth.” Again, welcome, we hope you will visit this site often.
— Sr. Elaine Davia
Leader, Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
Join Us
We invite you to pray with us, live with us in community, join us as an Associate, Volunteer, or Bon Secours Young Adult and serve with us, sharing our charism of healing, compassion, and liberation. How is God calling you to Join?
What We Do
Today, we, Sisters of Bon Secours practice our healing and spiritual ministry wherever Christ is calling us. We play an active role in West Baltimore, in social service organizations and the Retreat & Conference Center. We are caregivers, spiritual directors, chaplains, administrators, community organizers, counselors, board members, and more.
For us it is all about bringing people to wholeness and helping them to know that there is a God who loves them…