About Us

“As Sisters of Bon Secours the struggle for a more humane world is not an option; it is an integral part of spreading the gospel and involvement in social justice issues is an important part of who we are as Sisters of Bon Secours.” – CBS Constitutions

Our Mission Focus calls us to “commit ourselves to defend and care for all of creation; to cry out with others against injustice and all that diminishes life on Earth.”

The USA Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Area Team serves as the catalyst for social and environmental initiatives in the United States.

International Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee Mission

  • Raise awareness of justice issues of interest to the Congregation
  • Work for systemic change through education and advocacy efforts 
  • Address global and country issues from the lens of the Gospel and the Bon Secours charism of compassion, healing and liberation 
  • Network nationally and internationally with other groups working for peace, social and eco justice 

We call each other to respond to emerging challenges and:

  • Promote the integrity of the environment and ecological health
  • Address violence and advocate for peace on the local national and global level 
  • Cry out against human trafficking 
  • Alleviate displacement