(L to R: Sr. Gaby Espinoza, Sr. Rose Marie Jasinski, Sr. Mary Regina Flatley, Sr. Kay Durney)
On Saturday, May 14 sisters, families, and friends gathered in Marriottsville for a Jubilee Celebration! This year’s Jubilarians are: Sr. Katherine Ann (Kay) Durney, 70 Years; Sr. Mary Regina Flatley, 65 Years; Sr. Gaby Espinoza, 25 Years! In her welcome Sr. Rose Marie Jasinski addressed those gathered with these words, “Una bienvenida especial a la Hermana Gaby que esta obrando con nuestras hermanas en Greenville, South Carolina. Somos felices que estes con nosotras para celebrar el veinte y cinco aniversario. Felicitaciones y gracias de los dones que tu compartes con nosotras.” After a prayerful, song filled liturgy complete with a Peruvian liturgical dance by Sr. Rosa Chigne and Maria Wenas, everyone enjoyed a delicious meal which also included Peruvian dishes. We pray that God’s blessings continue to fall upon these Jubilarians in abundance!