Our warmest congratulations to Sr. Dorothy Brogan, center, who celebrated 65 years as a Sister of Bon Secours in 2017. Sr. Dorothy first met the Sisters of Bon Secours when she was a Build Girl at St. Francis Country Home, a nursing home run by the Sisters in Darby, Pa., after having moved with her parents, sister and two brothers to Philadelphia.
Sr. Dorothy entered the Congregation as she was turning 20-years-old. Early on, she got to know the friendly, down-to-earth Sisters of Bon Secours and came to love their charism of caring for the sick and dying.
“The charism of the Sisters of Bon Secours is so needed today – we do what we can by sharing our gifts to care for the sick and the dying. I am very blessed and received a wonderful gift to be able to follow in the footsteps of all the Sisters who came before me. In my ministry with the sick and dying, I often receive more than I give, and I see God’s work very alive in the faith and courage of the sick.”