After a nine-year collaboration, the Sisters of Bon Secours have released a new book highlighting the challenges and triumphs of the sisters during the last 35 years after Vatican ll.
Begun in 2009, the new book, Courage and Compassion, Sisters of Bon Secours, USA, 1981-2016, is written in the format of an oral history, sharing the life and experiences of the sisters in their own words. Bon Secours Associates, Bon Secours Health System colleagues, and ministry participants also share their personal remembrances and reflections.
Sr. Mary Shimo, CBS, who provided leadership to the committee reviewing the book during the collaboration process, expressed gratitude to the dozens of people whose insights to the oral history format contribute to understanding the motivations of women religious and lay affiliates.
She added, “Being one of the two point persons – the other being the Special Collections Archivist- for the writing of our new book was an unexpected challenge in my life. I learned so much. I can’t imagine how authors can produce so many books. I don’t really need to put this achievement on my resume but it is such a relief and wonder to have the book finally in hand!
Some quotes from readers:
“I am LOVIN’ the book. Woke up at 3 a.m. and read more pages. You are all marvelous servants of our Lord’s charism. I so admire the work you have done and are doing and feel privileged to be even a small part of it.”
Lynn Woodman, former Bon Secours employee
I started reading the new book last night and love it. I really like how personal it is and learned so much about individual sisters as well as the Congregation.
Sr. Mary Beth Hamm, CSJ, current Bon Secours employee
Authored by Molly Pyle, Ph.D., Courage and Compassion, Sisters of Bon Secours, USA 1981-2016 is available for purchase through the Retreat & Conference Center Book Store at $22.00. The direct line there is 410-442-3121. It can also be available by contacting Carol Jesse at [email protected]. The book is available on our Archives page, here. It can be downloaded in its entirety and is searchable.