
Who We Are

The Sisters of Bon Secours is an international religious congregation of Catholic women who bring to the world “Good Help to Those in Need”.

  • We are a community of women whose lives are centered in Christ…
  • A loving community with strong bonds of friendship and caring…
  • A prayerful community with a spirit of dedication and availability…
  • A serving community centered on healing, touching, and caring for the whole person and all of creation
  • A community of progressive women of the Church… women journeying with all of God’s people.


We, Women of Healing, commit ourselves to defend and care for all of creation; to cry out with others against injustice and all that diminishes life on earth.

Our Mission

Through the love of God present in the Sisters of Bon Secours, we are called by God and sent by the Church to help people to wholeness; to alleviate human suffering of all forms, especially in the poor and dying; to help others to an awareness of the redemptive meaning of suffering and death – and to an awareness of their relationship with God by…reproducing in ourselves Christ healing…Christ consoling..Christ loving…Christ always aware of the needs of others.

Our mission is to participate in Jesus’ mission of revealing God’s compassion, healing and liberation to all whom we meet and serve.

  • We care for the sick.
  • We pray with the dying.
  • We comfort the lonely.
  • We listen and respond to the cries of the poor and aged.
  • We cry with those who mourn.
  • We advocate against injustice and all that diminishes life on earth.
  • We help people return to health and wholeness.
  • We embrace them in their joys and sorrows.
  • We support them in their search for God and in their struggle to experience the redemptive meaning of suffering.


The Charism of Bon Secours is to bring God’s healing, compassion and liberation to people in need. Special attention is given to those who are poor, sick or dying by helping to alleviate their suffering and bringing them a message of hope and assurance that there is a God who loves them.