Anne Marie Birney
Retreat Reflection
Honestly I wasn’t sure that a Zoom meeting over the course of three days would keep my attention but I was so wrong. Sister Cheryl had such an interesting way of presenting the material on Enneagrams. From the beginning of the presentation I knew what Type I was (I won’t share but most of my dear Darby Associates can probably guess). It’s interesting that Sister Cheryl said that you were this type since birth and can’t change your type. Looking back on my life it seems like she is right….I have been this type for as long as I can remember. I look forward to retreat next year when we will dive into this topic more deeply. It was great getting to see some of the Associates from here in the US and in Ireland and England; I even learned that my first cousin worked with Anne Bermingham at the Bon Secours hospital in Cork. It is such a small world.
Again, a wonderful retreat and a big thank you to Liesel, Amy and of course Sister Cheryl for bringing us all together if not in person definitely in spirit.