Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Ministry
The Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Ministry is supported by an international committee of Sisters of Bon Secours from France, Peru, Ireland, the United States, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
“As Sisters of Bon Secours the struggle for a more humane world is not an option; it is an integral part of spreading the gospel and involvement in social justice issues is an important part of who we are as Sisters of Bon Secours.” – (CBS Constitutions)

The USA Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Area Team serves as the catalyst for social and environmental initiatives in the United States.

Racial Justice, Addressing Violence & Advocating for Peace, Crying Out Against Human Trafficking, Promoting Ecological Health, Alleviating Displacement/Supporting Marginalized and Vulnerable Communities.

The Sisters of Bon Secours partner with several organizations that work for justice and peace.