Justice Concerns

Racial Justice

As women of healing, who believe that the struggle for a more humane world is not an option, we re-commit ourselves to bring healing to the disease of racism in our own hearts, in our communities, our country and our world. With audacious hope we hold fast to the belief that our loving God will give us the grace to listen to our nation’s wounds, to engage this struggle together and do our part to dismantle racism forever. (Bon Secours USA Statement on Racism, 2020)

Addressing Violence and Advocating for Peace

Peacemaking is not an optional commitment. It is a requirement of our faith. We are called to be peacemakers, not by some movement of the moment, but by our Lord Jesus. – The Challenge of Peace: God’s Promise and Our Response, #333 – The National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Non-violence was central to the life and mission of Jesus. In that same spirit, the Sisters of Bon Secours strive to adopt a spirituality of non-violence, to foster peace making and commit ourselves to address violence in all its forms.

Crying out Against Human Trafficking

“Human Trafficking is an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ… It is a crime against humanity.” –Pope Francis

The Sisters of Bon Secours actively oppose this abhorrent crime against humanity. We commit ourselves to raise awareness of human trafficking, support survivors and advocate for legislation that addresses trafficking of persons.

Promoting Ecological Health

The Sisters of Bon Secours participate in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, a seven-year journey toward ecological sustainability in the spirit of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical, Laudato Si’. Through this global effort we are responding to the cry of earth and the cry of the poor, adopting a more sustainable lifestyle, engaging in ecological education, developing an ecological spirituality, embracing ecological economics and advocating for public policies that protect our common.

Alleviating Displacement/Supporting Marginalized People

We advocate for legislation and support organizations that address immigration, homelessness, and housing on behalf of all those seeking a place to call home.