Weekly Reflection

February 7, 2021
Never forget that JUSTICE is what LOVE looks like in public. (Cornell Ronald West)
January 31, 2021
My humanity is bound up in yours for we can only be human together. (Desmond Tutu)
January 24, 2021
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. (Frederick Douglas)
January 17, 2021
We are one people; we are only family. And when we finally accept these truths, then we will be able to fulfill Dr. King's dream to build a beloved community,…
January 10, 2021
What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. (Jane Goodall)
January 3, 2021
Feast of the Epiphany - Like the Magi, we must leave the familiar—with all the trappings that keep us feeling confident, secure, in control—for places that are unknown and require…
December 27, 2020
The Christmas season is a gift in itself. It releases us from the priorities of ordinary time and gives us the right to party more and pray more and love…
December 20, 2020
You keep us waiting. You, the God of all time, Want us to wait. For the right time in which to discover Who we are, where we are to go,…
December 13, 2020
The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before… Wait. Behold. Wonder. There will be time enough for running,…
December 6, 2020
If Christ is to come more fully into our lives this Christmas, if God is to become really incarnate for us, then fire will have to be present in our…