BSVM Mentor Reference

Please ask an individual who knows you well and can speak to your personal values and character as well as your experiences with service to complete this recommendation form. Examples of a mentor include an advisor, a past volunteer coordinator, a youth minister, a campus minister, a pastor, or a professor.

Mentor Reference

  • About Bon Secours Volunteer Ministry

    Bon Secours Volunteer Ministry, sponsored by the Sisters of Bon Secours, provides the opportunity for young adults to participate in the Sisters’ commitment to justice in radical solidarity with the poor, the suffering, and those most in need. In order to do this, Bon Secours Volunteer Ministry supports individuals throughout a year of full-time service primarily within an urban neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland or Richmond, Virginia. As a public health focused ministry, Bon Secours Volunteers work in hospitals, clinics, tuition-free private schools, family resource centers, adult learning centers, and other agencies which strive to address the needs of people who face economic injustice. In addition to learning from their full-time service, Bon Secours volunteers commit to: develop an intentional community, grow spiritually, live simply, and practice God’s justice. Throughout this year, volunteers discover that by sharing the Bon Secours’ charism of compassion, healing, and liberation with others they, in turn, receive the charism from those they serve.
  • About this Reference Form

    We ask that you help us to get to know the applicant as we consider his or her acceptability to the mission and commitments of Bon Secours Volunteer Ministry. No applicant will be rejected on the basis of a single reference. Feel free to omit any questions that you are not prepared to answer. Your response is an integral part of the application process and we appreciate your time.
  • Please rate the applicant’s ability or experience with each of the following:

  • To what degree have you witnessed the applicant express an interest in the following: