Greetings from Panama!

Monday, January 21, 2019

“I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38

The theme of World Youth Day, above, reminds us of two connected and important points. God is leading us, and we are called to service. Mary’s response to Gabriel, as a young woman, is to be our response as well.

On pilgrimage, as we are all called to this week, whether celebrating WYD in Panama or in Washington, DC (or wherever you are — follow along digitally!), God is doing the leading. God has adventures in store for us that we cannot imagine. But often those adventures and blessings require a change of heart, an openness to being inspired by awe. Sometimes churches bring us that awe, as they were built for that reason. But often, I find that in our indoor, always-connected world nature provokes that awe more viscerally.

Pilgrimage at its core is about walking to holy places. So already on our journey we have walked to churches and we have prayed in holy places. But we also have entered into the holiness of nature. And been reminded of our call to service as a result. As Bon Secours we “commit ourselves to defend and care for all of creation; and to cry out with others against injustice and all that diminishes life on Earth.” Visiting the rainforest and learning about the endangered species that live there is an incredible reminder of all of the service God’s creation is calling out for today. May you let God do the leading and may you find a way to serve.

God bless!