Sisters of Bon Secours Vocations
Whether you’re just starting your journey to explore religious life, are discerning, or seeking prayer in general, we offer many resources to inform and guide you with your life’s mission.

In each pivotal life decision, there comes a time of deep prayer and contemplation. A time to pull back the layers of our life to discover our truest and deepest self, trusting that God will lead us where we will be the most effective.

In addition to getting to know religious community, it is important for you to seek out some hands on experience in the works of the church, perhaps as a volunteer in a shelter, soup kitchen or education program that supports the needs of the underserved.

We are called by God and sent by the Church to reproduce in ourselves: Christ healing … Christ consoling … Christ loving … Christ always aware of the needs of others.

Check in to read some awesome stories about our sisters and how they live out their faith in support of others. Get to know them at work and at play!

Connect to a variety of resources, FAQs, Social Media Links, suggested books and on line resources on ministry, prayer and more