Pinky Promises, by Sr. Fran Gorsuch, USA Vocation Director

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

No matter our political leanings, Elizabeth Warren excelled at pinky promises – linking pinkies with little girls saying you can grow up to be president of the United States! Scripture tells us: “Where there is no vision the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). This, I think, is God’s “pinky promise” to us – that we can grow up (no matter our age!) and become whomever we want, whomever God is inviting us to become!

For me, it was and continues to be an invitation to be a Sister – truly a sister to every other person, not just to my biological siblings, although they were seven!!! A youngster once said to me, “with so many brothers and sisters no wonder you became a nun!” One translation of sister is “a woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parent(s).” How true is this if God is truly the Father/Mother of us all!!!! The call to be a Sister is truly awesome and humbling – it is something you can really grow into. My pinky promise to you is that if you are called to become a Sister of Bon Secours I will be a sister to you and accompany you on your journey, and that journey is truly life altering for you and for our world! So, let’s pray together especially during Catholic Sisters Week for ourselves and each other that we will grow into the women God is inviting us to become!!! Believe me, the human family needs you, and you will not regret it!!!

If you’ve ever wondered more about becoming a Sister of Bon Secours, please join us at our Come and BE event on Palm Sunday weekend, April 3-5. We have links to register here on our website – or on our Facebook page!