Greenville Associates & Sisters In June, a total of 11 individuals made either their First Commitment or Recommitment as Associates of Bon Secours. In ceremonies in Marriottsville, MD, and…
Bon Secours Associate Pam Phillips and co-worker Helen Anderson were honored to represent Bon Secours Health System in Hampton Roads when recognized for the “Health Care Hero” award by Inside…
In March 2105, two new groups of women in Huancayo, Peru, were trained and commissioned as "Water Women," which means they are new owners & stewards of household water filters…
Ursula Ardy, of Richmond, VA, made her Lifetime Commitment on April 7, 2015, in a celebration with her local Associate community. Witnessed by Sr. Vicky Segura and Director of Associates,…
Associates and Sisters will contribute, in an ongoing way, to the addition of more household water filters for one of the poorest sectors of Huancayo, Peru. We began the initiative…
Sr. Fran Gorsuch, CBS and Amy Kulesa, Director of Associates in the United States, traveled to Peru in late October to initiate a program called Water with Blessings, in Huancayo,…
On March 18-26, 2013, twenty Bon Secours Associates, Sisters, Co-Workers and friends and family traveled to Paris and the surrounding regions to explore the historic roots in France of the…
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